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Hidden Treasure - 40 x 30
Yesterday I took a photo of this spot (Brierly Brook) with my cell phone and vowed to return with proper gear to do justice to this gorgeous gem found right in the middle of Antigonish. As it turns out light and leafs are fickle mistresses and things changed but the effect was none the less special. Published Oct 12th, 2017.

All That Glitters - 40 x 30
I was awoke by the voice of my wife.. "James come see this you need to take a picture". Turns out my lady has great taste and was 1000% correct about the shear beauty literally laid at our door step. Like finely blown glass a thick shiny layer of ice coated everything in sight. Moreover the light was coming from such a low angle that it caused the entire surface of all the trees to glitter for miles in the distance. To top it all off the clouds were spectacular and the sky a deep rich blue. Published Feb 1st, 2018.

At Last The Cabot Trail - 40 x 30
I have lived in Nova Scotia for over 18 years and during each one of those years and many many beforehand I have seen this iconic scene of the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton. From calendars, placemats at the Irving Big Stop, to the Doers and Dreamers guide and everything in between this location has haunted my life in the most positive way, especially as a photographer and only living 2 hours away. Well.. the family and I finally made the journey together and I am happy to report it truly is one of the most beautiful spots on earth. The trip was made all the better when we met up with some friends and family we had not seen in years as we travelled west to east over the Cabot Trail. Stay tuned for more photos from this day in a chromatic paradise. Published Oct 16th, 2016.

Pastoral Bliss - 36 x 12
After driving a mere 8 minutes past the Antigonish hosptial you can take in one of the most wonderful farm and harbor scenes in all of Nova Scotia. Absolutely perfect rolling hills, an immaculately well kept farm and a view that extends for kilometers. If you've ever wondered why your smart phone cannot quite capture this scene this way its likely because I actually used 12+ photos digitally stitched together to "form" this image. The resolution offered by bringing together the individual photos allows for a level of fine detail that is very difficult to produce any other way. Published Nov 14th, 2017.

Bolts Over Ballantynes - 20 x 40
Between some rocks and a hard place I found a treasure that lasts but a second and now for a lifetime. Published July 24th, 2017.

Awoke - 36 x 12
As if shaking off the dreams of a long slumber our native star climbs from the blankets of fog and ascends into the blue sky of day adding life to all it touches. This image was the product of over 10 images carefully stitched together, I particularly enjoy how the bottom of the image is "fenced in" by bursts of green and red.

Around The Bend - 40 x 30
High into the hills and deep into the river valley a magic glade appears from the depths of the forests just outside Antigonish. Beautiful pools and falls stack gracefully upwards towards the azure skies and crimson leafs offering a final glance of warmth before the winds of change blow the life away for another Nova Scotia winter. Published Oct 3rd, 2014.

Chroma Cave - 36 x 24
The structure of this sea cave is just spectacular. The jagged peaks suggest recent adjustments and the deep water filled crevice implicate the tides in their continued evolution. This shot was taken at 'The Ovens' about an hour outside of Halifax past Peggys Cove. Published Aug 25th, 2013.

The Great James River Waterfalls - 36 x 12
This hidden jewel requires some significant effort to visit but those who make the journey are rewarded with 40+ foot falls, a very large deep swimming hole and moss covered rocks with tiny flowers growing seemingly out of solid stone. On the way herllisshee you drive up a rocky road with trees hanging over you, you hike 40 minutes through an ancient forest, cross a river and then climb down a 100+ ft steep cliff where you actively use ropes to get safely to the bottom. Published July 1st, 2013.

Up The Hill - 40 x 30
Halifax wastes no time getting their Christmas decor ready and with the wet tones of late fall a nice contrast is created between the warmth of the street lights and the cool tones of the street. I also loved the placement of the lady crossing the road and exact stance of her legs. Lastly I enjoyed the orange tones being reflected in the road. Published Nov 16th, 2013.

Floral Fission - 40 x 30
This charming devil was found at the Historic Gardens in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia. I love the perfect symmetry found here and the beautiful gradient from white to purple. The vertical layers add a wicked ton of depth and suck you into this beautiful floral visage. Published March 19th, 2017. Captured August 24th, 2013.

River of Gold - 36 x 24
Tucked neatly away in the tiny community of Ingonish a brook of gold pours its wealth into the falling sun.
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